Editorial. The Museum as a Research Hub

Courtesy of Garage Museum of Contemporary Art
The museum increasingly recognizes visibility as a power to build associations, networks, and communities. This special issue considers critically how these new powers are invested in curatorial practices and how they are invoked in the contemporary and historical settings. We put the visitors at the center of our consideration, including their participation in the process of re-defining the purpose and scope of research in the museum. The purpose of this intervention is to consider how research is integrated into museums’ future strategies, to reflect on how collaborations among researchers, artists, and curators work, and outline the key applications of practice-based research. In order to address these concerns, the materials selected for the special issue focus on the question of method, which allows a new conceptualization of the museum as a research hub.
To cite this item:
Strukov V (2021) Editorial. The Museum as a Research Hub. The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture, 03: v-xi. DOI: 10.35074/GJ.2021.74.27.002
To link to this item: https://doi.org/10.35074/GJ.2021.74.27.002
Published: 24.09.2021
Publication type: Editorial