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No. 02  (2021): After Crises: Art, Museums, and New Socialities

The Logic of Cancellation: Five Exhibitions of Russian Art Which Never Happened


Cover image

Igor Kholin-Masterkov, Oscar Rabin and an unknown person are hanging Oscar Rabin's painting the Truth at The Institute of World Economy and International Relations in Moscow (1969) (Igor Palmin Archive, Garage Archive Collection)

This visual essay looks at five exhibition projects of the postwar Soviet Union and post-Perestroika Russia which were conceived but never produced. Their stories exemplify the logic and conditions in which the production and distribution of artworks are carried out, as viewed through Richard Peterson’s production paradigm. The situation of an exhibition is seen in the essay not only as a set of conditions determining the meaning and perception of the artworks, but rather as a litmus test that makes the broader context and the social structure of the cultural industry more visible.

  • sociology of art
  • exhibition history
  • cultural industry
  • Soviet unofficial art
  • production of culture
Cite as

Ledenev V (2021) The Logic of Cancellation: Five Exhibitions of Russian Art Which Never Happened. The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture, 02: 108-131. DOI: 10.35074/GJ.2021.73.38.006