The migration of film from cinemas to art institutions engendered a series of metamorphoses. A metamorphosis of the medium, through the convergence of film and installation, produced the moving image. A metamorphosis of the space within the screen itself transformed the spectators’ reception of this new language of the moving image. A metamorphosis of the exhibition space resulted from its relation to the new medium. These metamorphoses require museums to redefine the ways in which they can empower their audiences through effective curatorship. This research article analyzes these transformations through cases of contemporary uses of moving images to propose a theory on how to curate moving images in the museum of the twenty-first century.
Foresti M (2021) Metamorphoses: The Place of Moving Images. The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture, 04: 66–89. DOI: 10.35074/GJ.2021.50.16.006