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No. 04 (2021): In and Out of the Museum: New Destinations of the Moving Image

Film Book Film (2021)


Cover image

Tatiana Macedo, screenshot of Film Book Film (2021) (courtesy of the artist)

Film Book Film is a transmedial artwork that starts with a children’s book adaptation of a film, picking up the discarded book and translating it back into a film again. Accompanied by an original sound composition that reinterprets the original film score in conjunction with the grainy images in the book, the piece comes full circle. Film Book Film is part of the experimental cinema tradition of dematerializing the image—here intricately done via sound—at the same time as it lifts the book up to get us closer to the images, proving their physicality but pushing them away, all along the lines and using the tricks of narrative cinema. A new experience evolves as the film alternates between objective and subjective shots where we are both readers and spectators, punctuated by humor.

  • narration
  • cinema
  • artwork
  • spectatorship
  • experimental cinema
  • book
Cite as

Macedo T (2021) Film Book Film (2021). The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture, 04: 90–93. DOI: 10.35074/ GJ.2021.53.62.007