represents an artistic language which, by virtue of its hypertextual essence, can connect people with one another by centering its practice on the interaction with audiences. A crucial component of is direct experience: audiences truly engage with a net.artwork only when they interact directly with it. In a gallery or museum, becomes more of a testimony, an object of memory, losing its fundamental aspect of unfiltered practice, as well as the elements of surprise and positive disorientationsenses that spur from the unfolding of as an experience mediated by its transposition in a physical place and into an object to be exhibited. This visual essay dwells on pioneering projects that need to be reconsidered in order to further historical, museological, and curatorial discussion of based on its intrinsic qualities, diffusion, and exhibition. The essay is not intended as an ending to the discussion or its resolution; instead, it aims to bring attention back to’s social aggregator function that was lost in the age of digital disillusionment.
Redaelli M (2021) Net.Art Exhibited: Distributed Museums. The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture, 04: 94–114. DOI: 10.35074/GJ.2021.68.49.008